Why Hire a Surveyor? |
Having A Survey Performed On Any Property You Own, Or Plan On Buying, Is One Of The Most Important Things You Can Do To Ensure that you know what you are buying or currently own. Several Problems Can Be Prevented By Having A Property Surveyed by a professional surveyor Prior To Either Buying Or Selling. Some Issues That Can Arise From Not Having A Survey Are: |
- Possible encroachments on to or off of your property can become bigger issues down the road. For example, a neighbor’s fence, wall or even a building could be encroaching on to or off of the property.
- A property corner could be missing. This would be an issue if you ever plan on putting up a fence. You will need to know exactly where your property line is located. If you don’t, you could possibly build on your neighbor’s property and end up with the financial burden of having to remove and rebuild the fence in the correct location.
- Possible property line or property corner disputes. A survey can reveal if there’s any property line or property corner disputes with the property.
- A Property survey will help protect your investment. A survey will reveal the dimensions of your property and the corners which make up your property boundary along with the correct area of your property.